Tuesday, September 6, 2011

iPad for a Tween, or other Tablet Computers?

iPad 2 for Tweens
Tweens are pretty handy with modern technology, often more so than many of their parents, aunts, uncles, and other older acquaintances.  That said, I'm sure that if you select one of many tablet computer options available,  your tween will run circles around you in figuring out how it works.  However, there is something to be said for the very intuitive Apple products, and with iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad sharing so many characteristics and uses, it's much easier to move from one to the other of these popular devices, without difficulty, and with a less steep learning curve.

Without getting into to specs of any of the varied products, and working strictly from the point of view of a parent who has to oversee the tween and his or her use of the tablet computer or touchscreen device, it isn't hard to see that music alone makes it sensible to stay within the same family of products.  Judging by my teens' use of iPod and iTunes, their worlds are wrapped up in their music, which in turn, is wrapped up in iTunes.  To switch to an alternative system could be harsh!  I don't know how many hundreds of dollars these youngsters have sunk into their music libraries over the last several years, but believe me, it's significant.  While there may be some options with other tablets and app stores, the reality is that the experience will be much smoother if the medium for listening is the same, and the time to get it up and running, less frustrating.  When the iCloud releases, this will be all the more true.

There may come a day when they will prefer the type of use many fans of Android tablets desire.  However, for the moment, my perspective is that the tween will use an iPad more for entertainment and research, and not so much for productivity.  If an iPad is within your budget, it's a sensible choice for the tween who already has an extensive iTunes library, along with a set of favorite iPod touch apps.