Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tween Electronics: Should I Buy the Extended Warranty?

My tween son saved for two years, and found a deal on his Sony PSP.  We suggested strongly that he pay a little extra for the extended warranty.  His friend had already encountered mishaps, so it didn't take much convincing.  Nearly two years from the purchase, his device started to have problems.  When we returned to the retailer, they replaced the PSP with a comparable model, free of charge.  We even had the opportunity to warranty the new device.  My son thought it was going to be sent away and repaired, so he was elated at the way this turned out, and he learned the value of getting that extra bit of insurance on his electronic device.

If you've spent time around tweens, you know that they can be absentminded, and you know that they can be careless.  Has your tween lost a cell phone?  Or worse, washed it?  One of mine has done both.  Has your tween misplaced a gaming system?  More than one of my tween kids has done this.  Has your tween accidentally (or purposely) slammed the lid of a laptop shut?  Or dropped it?  If it's portable, electronic, and/or fragile, trust many tweens to find the limits.  Warranties are wise with tween devices, if the cost is reasonably high.  With cell phones, insurance policies are potentially wise investments, but there are some alternative thoughts.  Read more about cell phone insurance alternatives.