Sunday, May 22, 2011

Best Computer Choices for Tweens: Tween Netbooks, Tween Notebooks, or Tween Desktops?

There are many factors to take into consideration as you look at a computer system for your tween.  What's hot isn't always what's best, and the latest innovations sometimes have kinks to be worked out.  That said, computers have come a long way in a decade, and when your tween looks back, he will probably be amazed at how far things have come when he's a college senior, finishing his degree. 

At the time we purchased our first desktop, a family we knew had a tween who tinkered with an older computer at the time.  As technology advanced, he continued to tinker, and is now working with computer development for a living.  Tweens have the capacity to learn quickly, when they have an interest, and computers definitely hold the interest of many tweens.  Your investment in a computer for your tween is not just provision of an educational tool, but has the potential to provide a path to an interesting career.

Desktop Computers for Tweens

A desktop isn't as popular these days, given the portability of laptop and netbook options for tweens.  Nevertheless, the desktop can promote a bit of responsibility, and can provide just about all a tween needs to get through the middle and high school years, with some oversight.  A desktop won't walk out the door to school, and isn't likely to be dropped, a couple of pitfalls of giving a tween access to a portable computer.  An anchored workspace is a good habit developer for a tween, as organization and discipline in studies aren't innate skills for most kids in this age range.  If multiple children will be sharing a computer, this is best located in a central area, where parents can observe what is being done, and where parents have easy access to examine browsing histories and web activities.

Amazon has a great desktop computer finding tool, and you can examine customer reviews of various products.

Laptop Computers for Tweens

A laptop can be a good option for the tween who needs some portability, and who is going to need to use dvd's with their computer.  Homeschool students using computer curriculum, for example, would greatly benefit from a laptop, which can be taken on the road, or moved from room to room.  It's still important for a parent to oversee activities on a tween computer, and to  hold the tween accountable for their online activities.  A larger laptop is awkward, and I've experienced some precarious moments with my tweens handling my laptop.  I suggest a 14-15 inch size, which will be a little less precarious to balance, than a 17 inch.

The Amazon laptop finder tool can help you refine your search, based on your priorities.

Netbooks for Tweens

Netbooks are lightweight and ultra portable, able to accomodate most tween needs.  An external dvd drive can accomodate the homeschool student, while the cost of the netbook makes it extremely attractive as an all in one device.  The main concerns for tweens and netbooks will be security, as it's easy to fit a netbook into a backpack and take it to school, which isn't wise, at all.  As well, the small size of a netbook makes it difficult for a parent to see much of what the child is doing while he's browsing online.  Hence, parental controls and vigilance are essential, for the sake of online safety and security. 

***Read user reviews of Acer, an inexpensive netbook choice.
With any tween computer, it is imperative that the parent not give free reign, but rather, supervise the use of the computer, imposing restrictions for any inappropriate computer use.